
Pauls UFO video analysis - Killing the UAP FAKE Noise Again! NASA+SUN+BIRD UFOs ] - OT Chan Live#365-Pt1

2021-02-28 5 Dailymotion

Part 1 of 2
#dreamteam #thirdphaseofmoon #gufon #ufo #ufos #aliens #debunking

Topics with Chapter (TimeStamps)
[0:00 ] 1) Gen Chat
[05:51] 2) UFO man floating Sitting Raven analyzed
[20:50] 3) Thirdphaseofmoon videos
[25:00] a) LED Kite UAP
[26:40] b) Dots in the Sky (Drones/RC/planes)
[27:00] c) More Light Dots in the Sky in smoke/fog haze
most likely military illumination parachute flares near AFB range
[29:20] d) Night Time White Dot (Drone/RC)
[31:24] e) Possible Surf or Trike Kite for towing
[34:00] f) Black Diamond with 3 Lights/:LEDS possible a Nite Kite RC LED Kite
Paul shows some comparison and possible match in repeat review part
[36:26] g) 3 Lights in a Line (possible LED Kite Tail)
[38:00] h) White Small DOT filmed Through a windows (Possible Fake/Plane)
[43:53] Paul goes back for a better breakdown look of black diamond kite?
[45:50] Comparison Kites for Previous case Video..
[54:25] NASA Mary Hall video finally debunked - Full info and no cropped
source was found that allows us to explain its no CGI but artifact from
low light and bright moon.
[01:14:11] Sun UAPs disgust and analyzed
[01:42:00] GUFONs NASA video claiming its a xwing UFO in a bubble so
what is it really? watch and find out :)

Thanks for watching, Liking, and commenting on video it really helps.. and join our serious UFO research group on Discord social text chat and optional voice group see join link in the about tab or banner bar and here as well,

Thanks to the Following

Paul S. (Music)
Free Music Archive (creative commons music)
sometimes other tunes or a mix of 2

note! visit my youtube channel for the source videos and links
how you can support me if like what I do.. you guys make it possible
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ALL footage used is under FAIR USE!